New Year and New Goals

Megan Gragg, Reporter

The New Year brings healthier lifestyles to students as they start the new semester.  

“My goal is to reach 185 lbs. and to just stay healthy while I’m still in school,” said junior healthcare and business management major Jay Poindexter.    

Starting a healthier lifestyle is a popular New Year’s resolution, with people choosing healthier eating options and reaching fitness goals. During the second week of the spring semester, many students return with goals set not only for the classroom but for their personal fitness goals as well. 

“I want to be in the gym four or five days a week,” said senior art and psychology major Ali Smith. “I want to do glute-based workouts two times out of the five days I go. I want to feel more confident with how I look and just be healthier overall.”  

Students also plan on following certain diets and choosing healthier eating options outside of the gym. Food and drink intake is key to seeing a difference in the work a person puts in at the gym.  

Poindexter explained, “My diets include lean meats, veggies and staying away from sugary foods.”  

Meanwhile, Smith said, “I want to drink more water and take dairy out from my diet and overall, I feel like I need to cut down on sugar.”  

The New Year and the start of a new semester brings motivation to students every year. Staying disciplined and hard at work will allow students to reach their fitness goals and lead to a healthy lifestyle.