Beatrice Ciccarelli is a senior middle blocker from Bologna, Italy. She plays volleyball at Marshall and had a stellar 2024 season, being named NCAA D1 Player of the Week and Sun Belt Conference Defensive Player of the Week both in the month of October.
Q: Why is volleyball important to you?
Beatrice: I grew up around volleyball. My dad has been a volleyball player for the majority of his life, and he was just bringing me with him to every single tournament and game. I decided to start playing when I was eight years old, and since then, I couldn’t stop. This sport gave me so much relationships and lessons in life.
I always had the support of my parents and my brother showing up for me at every game. It gave me friendships that will last a lifetime, but the most impactful and amazing thing is that volleyball gave me the chance to travel across the world and come to the U.S. This experience has been teaching me and making me grow so much, I will never be enough grateful for this.
Q: Is it difficult being away from home?
Beatrice: I would say that my first semester/year it definitely was, 100%. It was very scary facing a language that I didn’t know completely with people that act different from what I’m used to and just the all school and volleyball environment was very different. One thing that I have to give the credit for to my parents and best friend because they have always been here for me telling me to never give up. My mom and dad sacrificed so much for me to be here today that I have to get over my homesickness and from being scared.
Now, I can tell you that is not that hard anymore. I have friends all around here, coaches that care so much for us, and I definitely adapted my personality more to this culture but always being myself. So, it is hard because you miss your family and friends, but once you realize that even from far away, they are always with you and supporting you. I’m not saying that everything is amazing, but for sure, you feel better and make you live your life more positive and motivated.
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