Floats inspired by classic video games marched down Fifth Avenue as a part of the Homecoming parade on Friday, Sept 29, following the parade’s theme of Retro Video Games.
Fraternities Alpha Sigma Phi and Alpha Xi Delta won first place for their float based on the “Super Mario Bros.” Sorority Sigma Sigma Sigma and fraternity Kappa Sigma won second for their float inspired by “Sonic the Hedgehog.” In third, sorority Alpha Chi Omega and fraternity Sigma Phi Epsilon presented a float themed around “Guitar Hero.”
These floats processed after the Marching Thunder opened the parade with “September” by Earth, Wind, and Fire.
“It felt fun. It’s always fun,” said Savannah Smith, a member of Marshall’s color guard. “Our theme is Metallica, but tomorrow we also have alumni that are going to be spinning with us, so we’re going to be playing some other songs as well.”
Homecoming Royalty candidates also marched in the parade.
“I just expect to make memories, no matter what happens,” candidate Ashley Bohm said. Sponsored by her sorority, Alpha Xi Delta, Bohm’s platform was called “Mind Of All Kinds.” Through it, she aimed to increase mentorship for neurodiversity on campus.
The parade ended in time for the pep rally and bonfire, all in preparation for the Homecoming football game against Old Dominion University on Saturday, Sept. 30.