Students and staff alike described this year’s pep rally and bonfire on Friday, Sept. 29, as a tradition that brings the Marshall community together.
Dr. Marcie Simms,vice president for intercultural and student affairs, said that the pep rally and bonfire serves as a “tradition that brings two groups of people together,” the alumni and current students.
Meanwhile, Gabby Bellville, a sophomore and Marshall Dance Team member, said she enjoys seeing Marshall students come together.
“It’s an event that gives everyone the opportunity to become one as a student body,” she said. “It just makes everything more exciting.”.
The pep rally and bonfire also featured the introduction of the homecoming court and their platforms. Audience members heard from Kim Stephens, the Marshall Women’s Basketball coach, as well as the announcement of the winning parade floats, with Alpha Xi Delta and Alpha Sigma Phi taking first place.
While the annual pep rally and bonfire takes place on the Friday of Homecoming week, it used to take place on a Thursday, Simms said.
“Moving the bonfire to Friday allowed alumni and parents to come in from out of town, which allows everyone to get together and get pumped up for the game,” Simms said.
The pep rally and bonfire also align with the University’s Parent and Family Weekend, combining all extensions of the Marshall community and allowing students, parents and alumni to bond over past and current Marshall traditions.
For people like Tiffany Hartman, assistant dean of student life, the pep rally and bonfire serves as an “endpoint,” as she said, of not only the parade but the festivities of Homecoming week leading up to Saturday’s football game.