A MOMENT WITH MEG: Opportunities for advice
Meg Keller
Hi friends. This semester I will be circulating and sharing with you encouragement and guidance through The Parthenon’s Keller Consultation column.
This column is meant to be utilized as an opportunity for you, the reader, to vent and or ask difficult questions concerning your life.
I guarantee to answer as empathically and genuine as possible.
The idea and desire for this came when I saw success doing “Sunday Thoughts” on my Instagram account by posting the questions banner on my story, asking folks to tell me what their thoughts for the day were, typically posted on a Sunday.
I did this several times in the last two years, lending an ear to my friends with my whole 22 years of life experience.
College is hard and life is even harder, because of this, everybody needs somebody to at least listen.
No names will be used so your identity will remain anonymous unless requested otherwise.
Send in your pressing inquires or something you wish to share that made you smile this week to me at [email protected] with the subject “Keller Consultation” or DM me on Twitter and Instagram @megk1117.
Check out the “Sunday Thoughts” highlight on my IG to see an example of previously asked questions and answers.
I’m looking forward to your questions and consultations.
Meg Keller can be contacted at [email protected]
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