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Marshall University's Student Newspaper

The Parthenon

Marshall University's Student Newspaper

The Parthenon

Marshall University's Student Newspaper

The Parthenon

Olayinka Bamiro

Olayinka Bamiro, Reporter

Olayinka Bamiro, or “Yinka” for short, is a senior at Marshall University, born and raised in Washington, D.C. Yinka majors in public relations with a minor in marketing. In the past, Yinka has also done communications and outreach work for non-profits such as Ronald McDonald House Charities, Georgia Avenue Family Support Collab and the IRS. On campus, Yinka covers the College of Liberal Arts. In the future, Yinka hopes to continue working with non-profits and eventually do public relations work in the sports field.

All content by Olayinka Bamiro

Device share program to benefit students

Olayinka Bamiro, Reporter
January 28, 2020
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Marjorie Spruill, author and University of South Caolina professor, address the crowd during Amicus Curiae lecture Jan. 21.

Guest lecturer discusses women’s movement

Yinka Bamiro, Reporter
January 23, 2020
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