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Marshall University's Student Newspaper

The Parthenon

Marshall University's Student Newspaper

The Parthenon

Marshall University's Student Newspaper

The Parthenon

CAM Dean Candidates Visit Marshall

Sarah Davis and Bex Law February 22, 2023

A variety of plans for the College of Arts and Media were presented by the three finalists for the college’s deanship last week, but all three emphasized...

College of Arts and Media Dean Finalist Presents Intentions

College of Arts and Media Dean Finalist Presents Intentions

Sarah Davis, Staff Reporter February 20, 2023

The College of Arts and Media is gearing up to welcome a new dean to the Marshall family. Dr. Chris McCollough, a dean finalist for the College of Arts...

Debate Sparks Over Academic Calendar

Evan Green and Scott Price February 17, 2023

Faculty and student representatives have begun working with university administration to draft the academic calendar for the 2024-2028 school years, as...

A Silver Bullet to WV SB10 Campus Carry

Nicolas Raffinengo, Opinion Contributor February 17, 2023

Last week, the West Virginia Senate passed SB10, a legislation which seeks to allow students to conceal carry guns around colleges and universities across...

Campus Carry Heads to House Floor Despite Opposition in First Public Hearing

Matthew Schaffer, News Editor February 16, 2023

Despite a showing of staunch opposition at its first public hearing, Senate Bill 10 (or the Campus Self-Defense Act) is heading to a vote on the floor...

Administrative Searches Come to a Close, Finalists Begin to Visit Campus

Matthew Schaffer, News Editor February 14, 2023

As the nationwide search for university administrators begins to wind down, the three finalists for the School of Arts and Media are visiting Marshall’s...

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