New governing body promises bright future for Greek Life

Breanna Francis, Reporter

The start of a new school year does not only bring changes to class schedules, student lives and academic success, but big changes in student organizations, as well. Greek Life here at Marshall has seen a shift in their advising governing body as they transition from one director to a panel of representatives and a new graduate advisor.

“Due to conflicts and differences between the Department of Student Affairs and the last graduate assistant of fraternity and sorority life, they, unfortunately, had to move in a different direction,” Meena Elango, interim graduate assistant of fraternity and sorority life, said. “Marshall is at a stage where we are at a transition period. We now have an executive board that helps me to lead, and we are all working as a team to help govern these different organizations.”

This executive board consists of representatives from all aspects of Greek Life, including Inner Fraternal Council, Panhellenic, non-Panhellenic and the graduate assistant. Each of these individuals is responsible for presenting key issues concerning their respective organizations and reaching decisions that will, in theory, benefit each of the chapters.

“We are moving in a great direction,” said Darius Booker, the Non-Panhellenic representative and a senior business management major. “Things will be more transparent, and organizations will be able to better collaborate with each other, which is a great way for us to grow together as well as chapters individually. I think students will have more resources since there are now four advisors on the board that they can seek out for advice, and I think that our interim director, Matt James, will lead us in the right direction.”

This change taking place so close to the start of the new school year, however, left some wondering the state of Greek Life and how it would affect those seeking to join a Greek organization this fall semester.

“For the past 20 years, our Greek Life has been stagnant when you look at the numbers,” Matt James, assistant dean of student affairs and interim director of fraternity and sorority life, said. “I would ease students’ concerns that are concerned about rushing by telling them that the Greek community is in a better place now than it ever has been. We’re getting bigger numbers, the quality of membership is up, the number of hours in terms of community service hours and philanthropy dollars are higher than ever and this is the time to join the Greek community.”

Breanna Francis can be contacted at [email protected]