Faculty Senate asks for student involvement at meetings

Members of Marshall University’s Faculty Senate expressed a desire for students to participate in their meetings.

The senate, composed of representatives from all of Marshall University’s colleges and campuses, meets monthly to discuss, voice concerns and recommend change with members of administration, faculty and staff.

“We discuss academic policies and changes, all undergraduate curriculum and any new classes or programs. Anything that happens goes through this council,” said Dr. Tracy Christofero, professor in the College of Information Technology and Engineering and faculty senate chair of the graduate council.

Christofero said any concern can be brought to the attention of the senate and she encourages more students to take advantage of the forum. She said the faculty senate can deal with anything from serious academic issues to the size of a parking space.

“We never have very many students come,” Christofero said. “It’s a good way to learn what goes on behind the scenes in academia.”

Executive committee administrative associate, Rachel Ward, says the executive committee and other standing committees set the agenda for future senate meetings.

“We are the voice for the faculty,” Ward said. “We are here to communicate with the administration and the rest of the faculty to inform everyone.”

Christofero said if students do not feel comfortable bringing concerns to the faculty directly, “just sitting and listening, even in the back,” is a good way to be involved.

Interim senior vice president of finance, Mark Robinson, spoke Monday afternoon on the bi-weekly pay for faculty, hoping to “address any worries and help solve problems.”

“I want to find out what the options are and figure out what the best way is to deal with this,” Robinson said. “I thought the issue [of transitioning into bi-weekly pay] was resolved, but it’s not.”

Robinson and the members of the executive committee agreed for the need of “increased transparency” with upcoming financial changes and brainstormed ways to communicate the proper information to the rest of the faculty.

The next faculty senate meeting will be Oct. 27 in the Memorial Student Center.

Brooke Estep can be contacted at [email protected].