Faculty Senate addresses strengths and weaknesses at first meeting

Marshall University’s new administrators and faculty were announced at the fall general faculty meeting Monday afternoon in the Joan C. Edwards Playhouse.

Faculty Senate chair Paige Muellerleile made welcoming remarks for the beginning session of faculty senate and the general meeting.

“We have some absolutely extraordinary faculty here,” said Muellerleile.

Dean of the College of Arts and Media Donald Van Horn spoke on remembering Susan Jackson, a CAM professor who passed away earlier this year. His spoke about his personal experience with Jackson and reflected on her impact on those around her.

After Jackson’s remembrance, five new administrators were introduced by Provost Gayle Ormiston. The libraries, Honors College, Lewis College of Business and Academic Affairs gained new administrators, each welcomed with copious applause.

Overall, 103 new administrators and faculty were welcomed to Marshall Monday afternoon.

In her State of the Faculty address, Muellerleile recognized the threats, weaknesses, strengths and opportunities of the faculty.

“It’s not any surprise that every single one of those who talked to me mentioned faculty and staff pay,” said Muellerleile. “It’s an ongoing issue. It’s a weakness and it’s a threat.”

Muellerleile said students leave Marshall with tremendous debt, and the faculty wants to figure out different ways to handle the state budget cuts.

“It’s an election year; I see a lot of opportunities here,” said Muellerleile. “I encourage you to be politically active in this season.”

The State of the Faculty address concluded with promoting the great strengths of multiple colleges from the past year and summer. A collection of peer-reviewed journals, publications, scientific research and grants only cover a few of the many achievements of Marshall University’s faculty.

Brooke Estep can be contacted at [email protected].