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Marshall University's Student Newspaper

The Parthenon

Marshall University's Student Newspaper

The Parthenon

Marshall University's Student Newspaper

The Parthenon

Administrative Searches Come to a Close, Finalists Begin to Visit Campus

Matthew Schaffer, News Editor February 14, 2023

As the nationwide search for university administrators begins to wind down, the three finalists for the School of Arts and Media are visiting Marshall’s...

Mayor Williams Delivers His State of the City Address

Matthew Schaffer, News Editor February 14, 2023

“Our competition is not the city down the river. Our competition is the largest cities in the world,” Huntington Mayor Steve Williams said in his State...

Jim Justice Faces Criticism From Senate for MU Baseball Field Fund

Conner Woodruff, Managing Editor February 7, 2023

Senators have challenged West Virginia Governor Jim Justice’s decision to use nearly half of $28 million of COVID-19 relief funds for Marshall University’s...

Campus Carry Bill Passes W.V. Senate, Heads to House

Matthew Schaffer, News Editor January 20, 2023

A bill that would allow concealed carry for handguns on college campuses passed the West Virginia State Senate on Tuesday, Jan. 24, after a similar bill...

Farewell, Parthenon: Lessons I’ve Learned

Farewell, Parthenon: Lessons I’ve Learned

Tyler Spence, Executive Editor November 29, 2022

I have not known a life without The Parthenon for the past two years. Many editors upon their departure from this institution often reflect on the...

Brittany Hively, executive editor for The Parthenon, current graduate student in The Lewis College of Business.

Where did our passion go?

Brittany Hively, Executive Editor March 23, 2021

Stephen King, Bob Marley, Wassily Kandinsky, Jimi Hendrix, J.K. Rowling, Amanda Gorman, Jim Carey, Martin Luther King Jr. and Emily Carr: an assorted list...

How we failed a generation: How we broke Generation Z

Tyler Spence, Opinion Editor March 10, 2021

Over the past decade and a half, American society has made wildly poor choices that have broken a generation, all while debating whether or not actions...

Brittany Hively, executive editor for The Parthenon, current graduate student in The Lewis College of Business.

Women, let’s keep moving forward

Brittany Hively, Executive Editor March 10, 2021

I once shared a post on social media about my husband and I having healthy, strong debates.   The importance of this post was the fact that, at one...

Middle ground for campus carry

Middle ground for campus carry

Carter Truman, Executive Staff March 10, 2021

Campus Carry Bills — If there ever were a contentious topic to be spoken of on campus, this would be it. The introduction of six of these bills into...

The epidemic of loneliness: how Reddit became the place to sell digital company

The epidemic of loneliness: how Reddit became the place to sell digital company

Tyler Spence, Opinion Editor March 2, 2021

Despite the economic downturn felt by nearly all aspects of society, there has been one industry that has seen tremendous growth — online sexual...

The future, according to MU President Gilbert

The future, according to MU President Gilbert

Tyler Spence, Opinion Editor February 9, 2021

When Marshall University announced Dr. Gilbert as its 37th president, the native Mississippian had big plans to make Marshall renowned nationally....

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