Jarvis, Kinner sworn in

Parthenon File Photo

SGA President Matt Jarvis, who wrote a letter to W.Va Delegates urging them to vote against House Bill 4012.

Student Body President Matt Jarvis and Vice President Emily Kinner were sworn into their respective offices during the Presidential Inauguration Sunday afternoon at the university president’s house.

Former Student Body President Duncan Waugaman and former Vice President Isabelle Rogner were also recognized for the leadership skills they exhibited during their time in office.

Student Government Association senate adviser and INTO progression coordinator Michelle Barbour swore Jarvis and Kinner into their new positions. Jarvis and Kinner swore to uphold the duties of their offices and the values of the Constitution of the United States of America, State of West Virginia and Marshall University.

Subsequently, farewell remarks were read by Waugaman and Rogner. Jarvis and Kinner then delivered speeches that acknowledged their predecessors, thanked specific individuals and identified the goals of the 2016-2017 Jarvis-Kinner Administration.

During his presidential address, Jarvis relayed anecdotes about his friendship and cooperation with Waugaman and Kinner. Following those anecdotes, Jarvis recollected his experiences at Marshall thus far and expanded upon how he hopes to improve the attitudes of those attending the university.

“Growing up about an hour away, it seems kind of easy for people to say ‘I just go to Marshall,’” Jarvis said. “And after spending two years here, we are not ‘just Marshall.’ We are Marshall University. We are the Thundering Herd. We are sons and daughters of Marshall.”

During Kinner’s speech, she recognized two individuals who have influenced her during her two years at Marshall: adviser Matt James and journalism professor Dan Hollis.

“Other than my papa, you two are the most influential men in my life, both fatherly figures and always there to help in any way,” Kinner said.

Additionally, Kinner voiced her administration’s desire to establish a café on the eighth floor of Smith Hall. Kinner said a café could allow multiple schools within the university to collaborate. For instance, Kinner said that students within the College of Arts and Media could provide artwork and design while those in the College of Business could manage the cafe.

“I think it would be a great idea for the university to utilize the space and turn it into a student-run cafe where our colleges can collaborate and get real world experience that other universities can’t offer,” Kinner said.

In his farewell address, Waugaman said that he had been asked to reflect on the accomplishments of his administration but, instead, wished to focus on the future achievements of Jarvis and Kinner.

Waugaman encouraged Jarvis and Kinner to set lofty, but obtainable goals, take every opportunity available to them and stay true to themselves. According to Waugaman, there are times that the positions of Student Body President and Vice President can require making difficult decisions.

“Those decisions will be tough. There will be times when you have to go against close friends. There will be times when you have to go against loved ones,” Waugaman said. “Ultimately, you do represent 14,000 students and I am very confident that you’ll represent them well.”

Waugaman said that passing along the torch after two years as Student Body President wasn’t easy, but that he was glad to be passing it along to successors he could trust.

“After two years, I am able to let go, but that’s because of the trust that I have in both of you to do such a great job,” Waugaman said.

Rogner could not attend the inauguration due to a delayed flight. Instead, SGA President pro tempore Alex O’Donnell read Rogner’s farewell address.

In Rogner’s address, she reflected on her experiences as Vice President. Additionally, Rogner spoke of the time she spent with Kinner during the Frasure-Singleton Internship and her confidence in Kinner as a successor.

“I’m happy to say, I am passing my gavel into good hands,” said Rogner. “Emily became like a little sister to me in the internship. Seeing her become so passionate and dedicated to this university fills me with pride.”

Prior to the farewell remarks and presidential addresses, University President Jerome Gilbert voiced his confidence in Jarvis and Kinner and congratulated Waugaman and Rogner for what their administration achieved.

Gilbert said that integrity and commitment were vital leadership skills for Jarvis and Kinner to have in the upcoming year.

“Integrity is about honesty, but much more than that. It’s about using your judgement and your core beliefs to really determine what is right and then act on that and tell people why you made such a decision,” said Gilbert. “Commitment is about hard work, it’s about dedication and wanting to make things better. And I’m sure both Matt and Emily want to make things better just like Duncan and Izzy did.”

Gilbert reminded Jarvis and Kinner that they are representing the student body as well as the entire Marshall family. According to Gilbert, the Marshall family is diverse and bound by a common heritage.

“It’s a family where all of us are bound together by the legacy of the university,” said Gilbert. “A heritage that goes back all the way to the time of John Marshall.”

Adviser Matt James issued the closing remarks, relaying anecdotes about his experience in the office of Student Body President. Ultimately, James advised Jarvis and Kinner to remain humble and committed to enacting change.

“You’ve been given pretty big shoes to fill,” said James. “I think you can fill them and I think that the two of you will make an impact.”

Jared Casto can be contacted at casto178@marshall.edu.