Black United Students encourages students to Rock the Vote
More stories from Baily Turner
Marshall students help Rock The Vote at the Memorial Student Center, March 30, 2016.
Marshall University’s Black United Students set up a Rock the Vote table for students to register to vote on campus Wednesday.
The Black United Students organization is a group primarily made up of African American students working to host events and activities to get African American students involved on campus.
Black United Students member Alexis Tyson said they wanted to make it easy for students to register to vote because young voters are crucial to the upcoming election.
“We find it to be very important that young voters get out there and let their voice be heard,” Tyson said. “A lot of young voters don’t take the time to go find places to go register to vote so we wanted to bring it right here to campus to make it easy and convenient for them.”
Tyson said the goal for Rock the Vote was to at least have 50 students registered to vote.
“I hope to get a lot of registered voters, especially some of the African American race because a lot of African American’s don’t take the time to register or think about voting,” Tyson said. “We’re out here representing the senate for African American students to make them feel more welcome to come and register to vote.”
Marshall student Joshua Tunstalle registered to vote and said there is no excuse for students not to register if it is so convenient.
“Some people would use the excuse that they didn’t know how to register, so if it’s right here it is convenient,” Tunstalle said.
Tunstalle said he thinks young students should participate in voting for the 2016 upcoming election because his generation is the future of this country.
“I see a lot of students now talking about Donald Trump, of course,” Tunstalle said. “I think it is important to get educated because we’re the future of this country and we need to know what is going on.”
Black United Students encourages students of every race to participate in the upcoming election and to get involved with their organization.
Baily Turner can be contacted at [email protected].
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