Intro to Islam: The Teaching of Jesus Christ and Muhammad

More stories from Michael Brown


Students of the Muslim Student Association continued the weeklong events series Tuesday with “Intro to Islam: The teaching of Jesus Christ and Muhammad.”

The association brought in scholars to discuss the topics and to better help people understand the Muslim faith from a scholarly view.

Sheikh Semah Asal and Sheikh Mostafa Rawash, the scholars who came to Marshall, told people in attendance Islam is a way of life. Asal and Rawash said a Muslim is a Muslim all the time and in every aspect of life.

“I simply came out tonight because I wanted to learn a little bit more,” said Jessica Thompson, management major. “I’ve gained some friends who are Muslim and some of my family members are a little uncomfortable with it, being here from West Virginia,”

“There is so much of a stigma and a negative view that I think being educated just a little will go a long way in helping one be more open minded,” Thompson said.

“The purpose of today’s event was just to increase awareness of the Muslim students on campus and what we believe in,” said Deena Dahshan, biology pre-med major and secretary of the Muslim Student Association. “So many people are ignorant in what we believe in, or they get their knowledge from the media which isn’t always a reliable source. That’s why we brought the scholars to speak today. We wanted people to be able to have their questions answered by someone who is scholarly and have studied this at a higher level. People are less critical of a religion that they understand.”

The Muslim Student Association welcomes all to ask any questions they may have and want people to continue to attend their events the rest of the week. Association members said people are always welcome at their mosque on 20th Street, where they have Friday prayers.

Michael Brown can be contacted at [email protected].