SGA’s Month of Service Asks for Donations

Brea Smith, Student Reporter

In order to collect donations to support their surrounding communities, the Student Government Associations at Marshall University and West Virginia University teamed up during the month of October for their annual Month of Service event.

Walker Tatum, Marshall University’s student body vice-president, said, “We have collected over 500 donations so far and will continue to take items until Monday, Oct. 31.” 

Month of Service is a way to provide and alleviate hardships for the Huntington and Morgantown communities. This year, the event addressed four concerns: improving access to books and educational materials; providing food and clothing; providing health and hygiene products; and environmental sustainability. 

Both associations accept several types of donations including books, food, clothing and hygiene products. Along with collecting donations, Marshall and WVU both created Amazon wish lists with items that could be donated.

“The wish list was created for there to be more opportunity for those to donate who are not able to drop things off in-person,” Walker said. 

In addition to donations, both associations held community clean-up events and blood drives at their respective universities.

The donations will be given to local charities such as The Giving Palm, Women’s Resource Centers, A.D. Lewis Center, Huntington and Morgantown Communities, CASA For Kids, Marshall University Food Pantry, The Rack, Marshall Thrift Store, and Salvation Army.  

With October almost over, both organizations are looking forward to next year’s Month of Service, according to Walker.

“The Month of Service has been a huge success, and we are so grateful for all who have participated,” Walker said. “We plan to continue this collaboration with WVU’s Student Government Association in future years.”