Downtown Huntington lights up for the holidays
The Huntington community listens to the Cabell Midland High School Collegium Musicum during the annual tree lighting in front of the Big Sandy Superstore Arena on Nov. 27.
The city of Huntington celebrated the lighting of the 26 foot tall Christmas tree at the Big Sandy Superstore Arena Plaza Tuesday night.
Members of the Cabell Midland High School Collegium Musicum sang Christmas themed tunes and carols before Mayor Steve Williams addressed the crowd.
The First Lady of Huntington, Mary Williams, had the honor of flipping the switch to light the tree.
Alena Mendoza, a senior at Marshall University, said she heard about the event through Facebook. Mendoza said she was told there would be “free hot chocolate and good voices to listen to,” and therefore, she could not stay away.
For local residents Stephanie Wood and Dodie Bond, the sense of community and pride created by this event is why they returned for a second consecutive year, they said.
“This event definitely means a lot, especially because people these days don’t seem to want to go out and do community things,” Wood said.
Wood said she likes being able to go out and be with people she shares her community with.
Bond said she liked the tree lighting ceremony, calling it “special because it is for our people in our town.”
Meg Keller can be contacted at [email protected].
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