Hidden Gem on 10th Street provides unique atmosphere for the community
Huntington Cycle and Sport Shop and Ten Ten Coffee, located at 1010 10th St. in Huntington, provides an unique atmosphere for coffee drinkers and bike riders.
Huntington is filled with a variety of different food and retail businesses, but one unique business in Huntington brings together biking and coffee drinking.
The Huntington Cycle and Sport Shop is located near Ritter Park and offers bicycle sales and repairs, as well as being a full-fledged coffee shop called Ten Ten Coffee Shop. The two-in-one shop offers students and community members a way to get outside and be active in the warmer weather and a way to stay warm in the cold weather.
“We’re a good place to study; we have free Wi-Fi,” Peck said. “You can lock your bike up outside and come right in. If they were commuting by bike and needed service work, then we’re a great place to come and have that done. A lot of times it’s easier and cheaper for students to commute by bike, and I like to be able to give them that option.”
Tom Peck has been the owner of both Huntington Cycle and Sport and Ten Ten Coffee Shop for nearly seven years. The shop was originally located downtown and then transitioned to its current location near Ritter Park about four years ago.
“I like having the customers come in and just talking at the coffee shop and then getting to bike with people, just being healthy,” Peck said. “Just keeping people running is fun.”
Many students who commute live within a few miles of campus and Marshall University’s campus offers bike racks that are free to use outside of nearly every facility on campus.
As the weather begins to warm up more and more, Peck said he encourages students and residents alike to come by and take a look at his selection of bikes.
“We’ve got plenty of options,” Peck said. “Perfect for any condition and any distance.”
The Huntington Bicycle and Sport Shop and Ten Ten Coffee Shop is located at 1010 10th St. in Huntington. It is open 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Tuesday to Friday, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. on Saturday and closed on Sunday and Monday.
Zachary Stevens can be contacted at stevens184@marshall.edu.
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