Editorial: Some final thoughts on Tomi Lahren

Many people know Tomi Lahren because of her conservative, one-sided Facebook videos on social issues that are trending in the media. On her official Facebook page, she lists herself as a “news personality,” but she is actually the opposite.
Lahren works for a news organization called The Blaze, which is located in Dallas, Texas and is obviously aimed at a Republican audience. Her viral videos that have millions of views on Facebook are called “Final Thoughts with Tomi Lahren.” She has made it clear in many of her videos she is a Trump supporter and she said by posting these videos she is just doing her part to “make America great again.”
Lahren makes videos about topics ranging from the Black Lives Matter movement, Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, to most recent police shootings of African Americans. Her most popular video so far is where she “shreds” Colin Kaepernick for kneeling during the National Anthem, which has over 65 million views.
In her videos she slams people for not having the mindset of a conservative Republican. If someone does not have the same opinions as her, then you are a part of the problem. When she has guests on her show, she only brings guests on that support her opinion, not someone with the opposite opinion so she can have an intellectual debate. Forget that, her opinion is the only one that matters apparently.
If you read the comments on Lahren’s videos, especially on the Kaepernick video, the most common response is for Kaepernick “to leave the country since he hates it so much.” The problem is the people commenting are only listening to what Lahren says and living their lives based off of the opinion of this one woman and not watching Kaepernick’s speeches. He never said he hated America, he just is brave enough to point out that America has a race problem.
Side note: why does it always come back to “if you do not like this country, leave.” It’s not that simple, but that’s an editorial for another time.
Lahren is a prime example of white privilege in America. She grew up rich, basically got her show handed to her and has no real experience to talk about many of the issues that she does. Lahren makes her issues black and white, quite literally. She uses the outlet she has to contribute to the racial divide in America, instead of using it to bring people together.
Lahren cannot be considered a source of news. It is a disgrace to real news outlets that people consider her biased opinion news.
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Rocco DIMICHINO • Oct 9, 2016 at 8:46 pm
Unbelievable. Massive understatment. She’s a true American speaking what all news should!!!
Instead of being paid off and corrupt as most are.
T. Powell • Sep 29, 2016 at 4:33 am
Great response Britanie, you laid out the true nature of Tomi’s intent to voice her opinion as she is intitled. Final Thoughts is a 2-3 minute closing piece she uses to sum up the end of her show. The debate being discussed is how she identifies herself as a news personality in the Marshall University article. Tomi has a very clear viewpoint and is consistent. She knows what she believes and backs it up in Final Thoughts. Final Thoughts are being shared on social media frequently by many. Tomi Lahren has something to say that many obviously want to hear….
Britanie • Sep 28, 2016 at 11:07 pm
First let me start by saying as a Marshall grad and proud supporter of the j school I’m disappointed in this article. Not because I disagree with the commentary on Tomi, I do, but it’s an opinion piece and you are entitled to your opinions. Just as she is to her’s. I’m disappointed because it is poorly researched and poorly written. 1. She does invite those who oppose her on the show. 2. She is a news personality… a political commentator on a news show does still qualify her as a news personality. She didn’t call herself a journalist. 3. She earned a degree and that along with her experience earned her the job.
No she doesn’t exactly tell the news in a way you may like but media biases do exist. In my opinion most lean on the liberal side, so don’t point fingers when your hands aren’t clean.
Robert • Sep 27, 2016 at 5:01 am
Obviously you haven’t watched any of the full episodes of her show. If you had you would notice that there are numerous occasions where she has had people with opposing views and has debated them including a democratic strategist. She doesn’t claim to be a reporter but instead a political correspondent there is a difference. She also on numerous occasions says she firmly believes that people have a right to opposing view points but hey none of that fits your narrative so lets go ahead an leave that out. Instead lets go ahead and see someone who speaks their mind and says what they feel but since it isn’t what you believe she has got to be a horrible naïve little girl…
bob • Sep 27, 2016 at 9:16 pm
^she incites more hate and vitriol and certainly panders to one side
so there is no thoughtful discussion, careful considerate analysis, just hate and anger
get out of the country? thats your response to someone protesting….calling them entitled brat etc.
when did being a bully loud or hateful in rhetoric when arguing a point become so attractive in this country?
T. Powell • Sep 28, 2016 at 9:04 am
Thank you for your response to this very liberally onesided critique. This university newspaper article is obviously making an attempt to counteract Tomi’s viral status on social media. It’s very refreshing to see that all people of her generation aren’t “followers” without critical thinking capabilities.