Not another girl in a wheelchair

The section labelled “Students with Disabilities” in every course syllabus may not mean much to most Marshall University students, but it does to Savannah Tucker, whose family knew her life would not be the same after being diagnosed with cranial deformity at five days old, leaving both her legs immobile.
The particular policy states, “Marshall is committed to making all programs, services, and activities fully accessible to students with disabilities.”
Tucker, a sophomore communication disorders major from Beckley, said she has had 21 surgeries from birth until now.
“People always ask me why I’m not sad about my condition or why do I not show self-pity,” Tucker said. “I say it is because of Jesus Christ. If it wasn’t for Him, I wouldn’t be alive.”
When she was younger, her doctors told her parents that her conditions were so serious she might not be able to see, hear or have any cognitive ability.
“The fact that I am in college, my doctors are just amazed,” Tucker said.
As a resident of Burskirk Hall at Marshall, Tucker said staff at the residence hall are always helpful and understanding of her situation.
Tucker said there were instances when the automatic door was broken and they fixed it right away so that it would be more convenient for her.
“I don’t believe everything should be handed to me just because I am in a wheelchair,” Tucker said. “I should work just as hard as somebody else and, of course, there are some extra challenges that I am going to have to face and work around it.”
Sometimes pushing up the hill going to Smith Hall might be tiring for Tucker after a long day of classes, but Tucker said countless students whom she does not know would come up to her and offer to help push her up the hill.
“One hill per day means so much to me,” Tucker said.
As a strong believer of Christ, Tucker said she trusts in God that he fearfully and wonderfully made her, and she takes advantage of her condition to be a living testimony to others.
“The way I was born wasn’t a mistake, it’s a way to help others and to praise his name,” Tucker said.
Kessyl Lim can be contacted at [email protected].
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Rochelle Barnette • Oct 15, 2016 at 5:19 am
You continue to amaze me. You are a strong young, GODLY, young lady. I am BLESSED to have know you at Independence High. You are my inspiration.
Rochelle Barnette • Oct 15, 2016 at 5:17 am
You continue to amaze me. You are a strong young, Goldy, young lady. I am BLESSED to have know you at Independence High. You are my inspiration.
Joy Klein • Oct 14, 2016 at 9:50 pm
What a wonderful testimony. I say you are one blessed young woman. Thank you for a good lesson today.
Cindy Ringel-Williams • Oct 14, 2016 at 10:25 am
Go Savannah! You are awesome!
Bobby Gillispie • Oct 14, 2016 at 8:18 am
you are a strong person,you make people in wheelchairs think, hey she can do what ever she dose without conplaining
,know one would think she could get around college so good.
I know Jeff and your mother are so proud of you. you are incouragement to a lot of take a strong person who lives their life in a wheelchair so happy with life. It make others want to try doing things out side of their houses.
your truly. Bobby Gillispie.
Theresa Meadows • Oct 14, 2016 at 6:00 am
What a wonderful witness this young woman is for Christ. Her testimony is an inspiration to everyone. This woman has been through far more than any of us could ever imagine and has let her light shine for the Lord all the while. We are so proud of Savannah for all that she has accomplished during her life. 🙂
Clifford Hensley • Oct 14, 2016 at 4:16 am
She is such a admiring person she is after God’s Own Heart
Serena Ellison • Oct 14, 2016 at 3:49 am
I have had the pleasure of watching Savannah grow up. She goes to my church back home in Sophia WV. Savannah has had such an impact in so many lives. One being my husband. He has tears stream down his burly bearded face almost every time she plays her music to worship God in Church. This article is wonderful! I love reading something so positive in such a negative world.
Margaret Vandall • Oct 13, 2016 at 10:20 pm
Savannah is an amazing girl. She is blessed with awesome parents and grandparents. I was at her high school graduatiion and this amazing girl walked the stage. It took a lot of effort but she made it with the Lord and determination. Keep up the good work Savannah?????
Cindy tucker • Oct 13, 2016 at 10:07 pm
Savannah is such an inspiration to me her whole life all she has been through and never complains and always gives God the praise love her so much.
Judy Moye • Oct 19, 2016 at 10:15 am
This girl is amazing. She always has a beautiful smile on her face and a wonderful love of God in her heart.She is a example of a good child of God. This is my great niece and I am so proud of her.I am thankful to the young people to step up and give her a hand when she needs a little assistance.