Students reconvene after spring break for Easter worship
More stories from Nancy Peyton
Students raise their hands in prayer and worship Monday night at a special Easter InsideOut service.
InsideOut gathered together to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ with a special Easter service Monday night.
InsideOut is a campus ministry that strives to unite Christians together despite their denominational beliefs.
Senior communication disorders major Zack Sturgill delivered the message to students at the Campus Christian Center.
Sturgill touched on why the resurrection means so much to him.
“I think of all the times that I’ve messed up, that I feel like I let God down, but someone once told me I can’t let God down because I was never the one holding him up,” Sturgill said. “When I fall he is the one who picks me up, who picks us up.”
Sturgill read passages about God’s plan for people on Earth to do things “greater than Jesus.” Sturgill said he wanted to revert to a teaching mode for this service to discuss what exactly these passages mean.
“When we are in Jesus’ presence, we know for a fact that it’s him,” Sturgill said. “Jesus doesn’t take us through things for nothing. He takes us through things to experience his power and to learn something. God doesn’t do anything without reason.”
“Jesus healed the sick, raised the dead, healed the blind,” Sturgill said. “Jesus only had three and a half years with the power of the Holy Spirit. We are supposed to do greater things because we have the power of the Holy Spirit for longer. Some of us here have already lived longer with the Holy Spirit than Jesus did.”
Sturgill discussed the difference between the baptism with water and the baptism with the Holy Spirit.
“The baptism with the Holy Spirit is often misunderstood and misrepresented by people, especially Christians,” Sturgill said. “This baptism is power of God represented in your life. The Holy Spirit will come to help you witness to people.”
“This was a struggle of mine, thinking about the Holy Spirit,” Sturgill said. “I’ve had to learn from some excellent teachers to understand that the Spirit is for everyone in every generation.”
Sophomore music education major Justin Hesson shared how being a part of the InsideOut ministry has strengthened him since it started this semester.
“Ever since I have been a part of this ministry, I have felt like I really belong somewhere,” Hesson said. “While I was in Spain over spring break, usually being away from home a person would miss their family. I missed all of you all. It’s very hard when you’re away from family.”
Nancy Peyton can be contacted at [email protected].
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