SGA prohibits hoverboards, approves vegan food options as students voice RFRA decision opinions
More stories from Jared Casto
Second-year graduate public administration student Cody Jones voices his opinion Tuesday of SGA’s Feb. 10 failed resolution to condemn the West Virginia legislature’s Religious Freedom and Restoration Act.
The Marshall University Student Government Administration approved resolutions to provide more vegan options in the dining halls and prohibit the use of hoverboards in campus buildings during Tuesday’s meeting.
The resolution to prohibit hoverboards in campus buildings is a response to the increasing concerns of the devices catching fire.
According to student body president Duncan Waugaman, the university is likely to ban hoverboards across the campus.
“I’ll just let you know that they’re going to get banned,” Waugaman said. “So if you guys want to get ahead of the curve and show our support of the university’s decision or our dissent with the university’s decision, then that is what I suggest to you.”
The resolution to prohibit hoverboards in campus buildings was approved.
A resolution to ask for more vegan options in the dining halls was also passed. Senator Elise Gooding said the lack of foods that satisfy vegan diets is a problem for vegan students who must eat at the dining halls.
“I feel like it’s not very good when we pay $2,000 and some days there are students who there’s not a lot of food options for them or it’s just the same stuff over and over,” Gooding said.
Two students attended the meeting to present their concerns about last week’s failed resolution to condemn the West Virginia Legislature’s Religious Freedom and Restoration Act.
Senior philosophy and biology student Leif Olson read a letter to SGA condemning those who voted against the resolution. Olson threatened to file a Freedom of Information Act request to obtain the names of those who voted against the resolution so they could be “held up, defamed and vilified.”
“If you cannot sympathize with the struggles and the very lives of your fellow students and constituents, you yourselves are the lesser humans and thus you have no reason to be involved in politics,” Olson said.
Cody Jones, a second year graduate student studying public administration, took a “different angle” when he spoke on the behalf of the student body. Jones mostly discussed problems with the law itself. Jones said that the bill is superfluous due to existing laws such as the First Amendment that already protect the religious freedoms of American citizens.
“Why do you need a bill when we already have the First Amendment in the federal constitution and, on our state constitution, we also have another religious protection act?” Jones said. “This bill does nothing to extend your religious rights as a person and your personal practice, but merely allows you to take what you believe and place it onto others.”
Waugaman addressed the senate during his executive message and voiced his approval of the body looking at more legislative issues. Waugaman recommended certain bills that should be looked at by the SGA, such as House Bill 2446, which allows firearms on college campuses and House Bill 4182, which increases fees for students taking more than 16 credit hours.
Waugaman also talked about a new phone app for Marshall University students, asking the body for potential testers.
Jared Casto can be contacted at [email protected].
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