The SOCiety uses crocheting trend to connect with students
More stories from Elayna Conard
The SOCiety teaches students a new skill by offering lessons on how to crochet beards. Each student can choose to keep the crocheted beard or donate it to a charity.
Only those with a full beard can really appreciate the protection they offer against the harsh winter weather. However, The SOCiety is making available the warmth of a full beard to all who can crochet. The latest Pinterest trend is hitting campus one crochet beard at a time.
“We are all trying to learn a new skill to bond,” President of The SOCiety, Bri Shelton said.
The SOCiety is hoping to bond with new members and host creative events to engage those with or without a sociology background. The SOCiety targeted for students with a sociology major or minor, but through fundraisers such as the crochet beards, The SOCiety aims to get more students involved in the organization.
Shelton said she believes more publicity and outreach programs will help the club grow into a more active presence on campus.
Shelton said many students confuse psychology and sociology. Vice president of The SOCiety Nick Bolen called sociology the “friendship science.” Focused on the organization of groups, sociology analyzes the masses while psychology examines the individual.
Club members got the idea for a crochet beard fundraiser at their holiday gift exchange. One member received a crochet beard as a gift and it spurred the idea for the club to make them. The club is offering to teach students how to crochet and make the crochet beards on Tuesdays in Smith Hall at 3:30 p.m.
SOCiety member Jordan Lambert is leading the crochet lessons. Students can make a crochet beard for themself or choose to donate one to charity. The club hopes to use its crocheting skills to also make mats out of plastic grocery bags for the homeless.
Once getting the crochet skill down, the club plans to sell crochet beards in the Memorial Student Center and at Marshall sporting events. Goals for the crochet beard include seeing the student section in bright green crochet beards upon the first chilly football game of the season next year.
Those interested can get involved in The SOCiety through its Twitter, at theSOCiety_MU and its weekly Tuesday meeting in Smith Hall. The club will be using Twitter to post more information about crocheting and crochet beards.
With help from The SOCiety, what used to be only for rugged outdoorsmen – a beard – can now be worn by all on campus.
Elayna Conard can be contacted at [email protected].
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