SGA Proposes a Clothing Pantry Upgrade for Students

Emma Johnson, Student Reporter

The World Boutique clothing pantry in East Hall could receive an upgrade thanks to a recent proposal within the Student Government Association. 

The boutique would allow for students to donate and pick up clothing at no cost and is open to all Marshall students. 

The facility  “helps provide students who may be struggling to find clothing with gently used clothes donated by Marshall students, staff and the Huntington Community,” Senator Elizabeth McGuffey said. 

This proposal hopes to bring in more donations to help the boutique grow, so there will be options for every student, McGuffey said. 

“Housing and Residence Life’s Green Move-Out gives all the clothing donations to Marshall University’s Thrift Store, and the World Boutique on campus does not have access to those donations,” according to McGuffey. 

“I chose to write this proposal because I grew up in a family where we donated our old clothes, and I wanted to continue donating when I got to campus,” McGuffey said. “I saw where that we had a clothing pantry and wanted to create something that would hopefully get them more donations.”

Students and staff members who are interested in making any donations can drop off their clothes in the LGTBQ+ Center on Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.