Welcome Back Sons and Daughters of Marshall

After a year and a half of being virtual, we are all finally back on campus. While I enjoyed a quiet campus, I am even more excited to see campus so lively again. Additionally, I’m looking forward to being back in-person for events and classes. For me personally, virtual class made it difficult to stay focused and motivated.  However, getting so used to virtual and online classes can make it stressful to transition back to in-person.  

Something that I have done to make this transition a little smoother is writing down the location of each class in my notes on my phone, so I always know where I am headed.  I also prefer to leave my apartment about twenty to thirty minutes before the start of my class to allow adequate time to navigate campus. However, when it comes to time-managing for school, whether virtual, online or in-person, my biggest lifesaver is my planner. I write all of my assignments and responsibilities in my planner so I can make sure to stay on top of my work. I would highly recommend getting a planner, whether it’s on your phone or printed. It significantly helps me not to get as overwhelmed or forget about deadlines.  

Academics are the reason we are all here, but sometimes we all need a break.  Student organizations can help relieve the stress that comes from academic studies. This is why I challenge every student to join at least one extracurricular organization on campus. I chose to get involved with the Student Government Association (SGA), but for others that may be something different. Getting involved is beneficial in so many ways. Getting involved with SGA has led me to the majority of my friends, mentors, and best memories and opportunities. Additionally, it gives me motivation to wake up and be present on campus everyday.  

I am so happy to welcome everyone back to campus and I hope everyone has a successful year! As always, go Herd! 


Alyssa G. Parks 

Student Body President 

Student Government Association