Coffee with the Mayor returns Thursday
“We go to Marshall’s campus to get feedback and see how we can better work together.”
More stories from Amy Napier
Marshall students and Huntington Mayor Steve Williams partake in the monthly series of Coffee with the Mayor in the Memorial Student Center Oct. 7, 2014.
Huntington Mayor Steve Williams and the Marshall University Student Government Association will perk up campus Thursday with the semester’s first Coffee with the Mayor in the Memorial Student Center lobby from 10-11:30 a.m.
Bryan Chambers, communications director for the city of Huntington, said these meetings are outreach initiatives, and they give students the chance to raise questions or concerns.
“We go to Marshall’s campus to get feedback and see how we can better work together,” Chambers said. “The Marshall community is a significant part of Huntington, and student and administrative opinions are highly valued.”
Student Body President Duncan Waugaman said he believes it is important for students to attend the event and meet the city’s elected officials.
“As 18 to 22-year-old college students, we need to be aware of policy changes,” Waugaman said. “We can offer that opinion that Mayor Williams may not know of. Whether it’s about football or something on a much larger scale, we have a side to every story that he doesn’t necessarily know.”
Currently, the city of Huntington is applying for a grant to secure money for future university projects such as a baseball field or research center.
“There’s been a lot of talk over the years, so these are definitely some of the mayor’s top priorities in the long term spectrum,” Chambers said.
Waugaman said he is in favor of a new baseball field.
“Marshall has a good baseball team, and we need a division one baseball field for our conference and recruiting purposes,” Waugaman said.
Chambers said a short term goal the city is also working towards is offering more recreational options for students.
Amy Napier can be contacted [email protected].
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