Meditation Club meets to clear minds

Breanna Copley, Reporter

Marshall University’s meditation club met Monday from 3-4 p.m. at the Memorial Student Center Marco’s to practice different meditative exercises and introduce meditation to beginners and refresh the memory of those who are experienced. The goal for these meetings is to learn to meditate, strengthen meditation practices and help relax the body and mind.

“Meditation was very beneficial to me while growing up,” Co-President of the Meditation Club Elise Gooding said. “I just want to be able to share this experience with others.”

The meetings begin with a few minutes of yoga and then the remaining time will transition into meditation practices. During the meeting, participants learn different types of meditation that focus on different chakras and techniques that will help reach the full potential of meditation.

There are three main types of meditation that the club will focus on during the upcoming meetings: mindfulness, mantra and compassion meditation.

Throughout the year, the meditation club hopes to draw more people in throughout the year and get them more involved in their meditation practices whether they are a beginner or have experience with meditation.

Students often find it hard to balance work, school and other activities that can make life stressful and chaotic at times, but the meditation club hopes to provide a place to come relax, be at peace of mind and free from any stress.

Though the club has just started this year, the club members hope to gain enough members to allow members to expand their knowledge of meditation and be able to take trips to various temples and places of meditation in the surrounding areas of West Virginia.

For those wanting to join the Meditation Club, the upcoming club meetings will take place from 3-4 p.m. in the Memorial Student Center Marco’s and possibly outside (weather permitting). Though it is not required, it is recommended that participants bring a blanket or cushion to be more comfortable during the meetings.

Breanna Copley can be contacted at [email protected]