The first SGA Presidential debate for 2017 to begin Tuesday
The Marshall University Student Government Association’s election season is in full swing, as the presidential candidates prepare for a debate Tuesday in the John Deaver Drinko Library Atrium.
Incumbent SGA president, Matt Jarvis, who is running for re-election along with incumbent vice president, Emily Kinner, will be facing off against economics and finance major, Alex Parlock, with his running mate, Daniel Parlock, at 7 p.m.
Both candidates expressed the desire for students to come and be actively involved in the debate. Students have the opportunity to ask the candidates questions, according to SGA Senate Advisor Michelle Barbour, one of three moderators for the debate.
“The purpose is for the president and vice presidential candidates to introduce themselves to the student body and for the student body to ask questions about their platform,” Barbour said.
Jarvis, who is running for vice president, plans to enhance student experience, diversify different programs, and also keep with the plans his current administration has already set in place.
“It’s important that we show students the changes that have happened in the past year,” Jarvis said. “Is campus different than it was a year ago? Are there more services? Are there new problems? Are there different things we need to face and adjust to?”
While Jarvis will highlight the accomplishments of his administration, his opponent claims that the current administration hasn’t done enough.
“As much power as the president gets sitting on the Board of Governors, and all of the ammunition they have from getting their own budget, why can’t we get more stuff accomplished,” questioned Parlock.
He also said he and his brother will have a heavy focus on community involvement.
“We are really strong on community involvement, getting life back into Marshall, and I think people will see the difference of ideas and our achievable goals that we have versus the opponents who said a lot of things last year, and didn’t really getting anything done.”
The debate will last about an hour, with a mixture of questions from the panel and students. Both candidates claim they hope to see a large student body turn out.
“In reality, everyone who is going to be in the debate, everyone who is running for a senate seat, who is involved with this election, are groups of people that want to make Marshall better,” Jarvis said. “They are groups of people who want to see positive change, that want to help student life, that want to impact sons and daughters of Marshall.”
Franklin Norton can be contacted at [email protected]

Alex Parlock, sitting down with Parthenon reporters to discuss his campaign for 2017 and his platform.

Incumbent SGA President Matt Jarvis addressing students in the Memorial Student Center.
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