Keith Albee presents red-nosed classic
December 3, 2014
“Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” first aired Dec. 6, 1964 and is being brought to life on stage for the first time since the show was aired on television. Marshall Artists Series is bringing the Christmas classic to the Keith-Albee Performing Arts Center.
The show, on tour for the first time, is staying true to the Christmas classic, but adding extra songs and dance numbers. The show is appealing to the younger generation who have never seen the performance and the older generation who grew up on the classic.
Production on the show began two weeks before the first show Nov. 21, 2014, in Hartford, Connecticut.
Before putting on a performance at a new venue, the production crew spends the two days before the show perfecting the lights, sounds and distributing flyers.
Lexi Reed, who plays the lead role of Rudolph, said she is very excited to begin her role as the leading reindeer. Reed received the opportunity to soar across the stage and really bring this Christmas classic to life.
Reed was very impressed by how quickly the show came together. The path to production happened in two weeks.
“It was a very ambitious goal to put this show together in two weeks, but the show came together great,” Reed said.
Upon receiving the leading role, Reed took the lines one section at a time, but she stresses the fact that the ensemble carries a large portion of the show.
“I am nervous, but I don’t feel as nervous as the ensemble probably feels,” Reed said. “They have so many lines and dances to remember.”
Reed is one of only two actors to fly across the stage throughout the show. Flying is a technical additive to show that will bring the show to a whole new level.
“I am so excited and nervous to be flying in the show,” Reed said. “It’s something that I’ve never done before, and I am excited to see the reaction from the crowd.”
The show is an ensemble performance, which means that the actors in the show play multiple roles and participate in the dance numbers and songs.
“Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: The Musical” will be at the Keith Albee Dec. 4 at 7:30 p.m.
Shalee Rogney can be contacted at [email protected].