Editorial: Trump plays blame game in response to bombings

Evidence teams investigate at the scene of Saturday’s explosion on West 23 Street in Manhattan’s Chelsea neighborhood, Monday, Sept. 19, 2016, in New York. An Afghan immigrant wanted for questioning in the bombings that rocked a New York City neighborhood and a New Jersey shore town was captured Monday after being wounded in a gun battle with police. (AP Photo/Jason DeCrow)
In response to the explosions in New York and New Jersey, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said that he can only see the situation worsening.
Ever the controversial blowhard, Trump said he attributes acts like these to an increasing number of immigrants entering the country.
“You have many, many groups, because we’re allowing these people to come into our country and destroy our country and make it unsafe for people,” Trump said during an interview on the television program “Fox and Friends.”
Such a statement only drives his supporters to be even more in-line with Trump’s devious border control and immigration policies. Instead of offering actual solutions, Trump just wants to shut off everything, a kind of “the less I know, the better” approach. Not to mention, these statements feed the fire that is xenophobia. When a (unfortunately) national figure is spewing hateful rhetoric, they are trapping their fellow humans in a vicious cycle of lies and misconceptions.
When people are misinformed, they can very easily become scared. When these people are scared, they are more apt to make rash decisions based on that fear and those aforementioned misconceptions. This is how people, specifically minorities, are hurt.
Trump took a break from recycling his hate speech to take aim at the media, claiming that various outlets perpetuate violence by publishing materials that allow people to copy bombs or other types of ordinance. “…you buy magazines and they tell you how to make the same bombs that you saw,” Trump said. “I would – now people will go crazy, they’ll say Trump is against freedom of the press. I’m totally in favor of freedom of the press.”
Trump continued to say magazine purveyors should be “arrested immediately.”
“They have websites that tell how to make bombs, how to make all sorts of things that are totally destructive, and you know where they are coming from, and yet we don’t want to touch them because of freedom of speech,” Trump said.
This is completely the rhetoric of someone who is afraid of the power American media has. Trump has just been called on his B.S. one too many times for his enjoyment and this has turned into some sort of backwards vendetta. Think of how misinformed people would be if Trump’s statements weren’t called out by men and women who are consistently fact checking the election season?
Enough is enough. All that’s left is for rational people to continue to fact check and dismiss these statements in hopes that the American people aren’t brainwashed to the point of no return.
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