City council approves refunding of bonds, furnishing HPD with new SUV
More stories from Clara Maynard
Kaitlyn Clay | Managing Editor
Huntington Mayor Steve Williams addresses city council Monday before the council discussed its 17-item agenda for the evening. An ordinance regarding an agreement between the Marshall University Police Department and Huntington Police Department was passed.The council also voted on ordinances involving sewage system revenue bonds, a cell phone tower and a new vehicle for Huntington Police.
City council approved an ordinance to authorize the refunding of the outstanding sewerage system refunding revenue bonds during the city council meeting Monday evening.
A supplemental resolution setting the parameters for the ordinance was also unanimously approved.
“This is a refinancing of bonds that have been structured by the sanitary board and it is expected to provide savings before the board which would lead to, certainly, additional projects and activities in the department,” Williams said.
An ordinance allowing the mayor to furnish the Huntington Police Department with one 2016 Ford Interceptor SUV was also approved.
Police Chief Joe Ciccarelli said the cost of the SUV was $29,470 with $24,783 and $4,686 would come out of the department’s budget.
Council also passed an ordinance to renew an existing agreement with the Huntington Police Department and Marshall University Police Department.
An ordinance regarding parking for more than 48 hours was moved to a second reading. Councilwoman Rebecca Thacker, who sponsored the bill, said the ordinance could help those who “are not fortunate enough to have a drive way or garage.”
In other business, an ordinance regarding the Hotel Occupancy Tax was moved to a second reading. The ordinance would bring the city into compliance with the state’s recently passed amendments to the tax.
A memorandum of understanding allowing St. Mary’s Medical Center to qualify for 340b Drug Pricing Program was moved to a second reading.
A resolution authorizing the mayor to apply and accept three WV Homeland Security Grants on behalf of the Huntington Fire Department was approved.
Another resolution allowing a mental health collaboration grant with the Office of Justice Programs on behalf of the Huntington Police Department was also approved. This resolution would place a Prestera therapist at the department for three years.
The next city council meeting will be Monday, April 11 at 7:30 p.m. in City Council Chambers.
Clara Maynard can be contacted at [email protected].
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