Culture Storm hits Black Sheep Sunday
More stories from Elayna Conard
Cory Hughes demonstrates fire breathing Nov. 6 during the Culture Storm event at The Lantern. The purpose of the event is to show the local talent of artists and performers in Huntington.
The weather for the weekend looks to be promising but a storm is still in the air for Sunday’s forecast. This storm brings no precipitation but is full of entertainment.
A collection of about 10 local artists will be sharing their work at Black Sheep Burrito & Brews Sunday from 6-8 p.m. The “pop-up” setting on the second floor of Black Sheep will feel more like an escape than the winter storm many are used to.
Culture Storm is a unique market that local artist Zac White said he hopes will revitalize and establish Huntington as an artist-friendly scene. The Culture Storm aims to bring light to the positive talent of locals in the area.
Culture Storm was previously held in The Lantern. When the Culture Storm hits businesses with its fresh air and warmth of talent, it is a win-win situation for the artists involved and the local business. The Culture Storm attracts more crowds to businesses during its exhibits and proves to be a successful partnership.
This weekend’s culture storm at Black Sheep will feature t-shirts, crafts and tattoo prints. After Culture Storm, Black Sheep’s first floor will be open to dine with friends and experience Open Mic Night.
Elayna Conrad can be contacted at [email protected].
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