Presidential Ambassadors give a student face to Marshall

Ashley Sodosky

(left to right) Emily Kinner, Casey Hudock, Hannah Smith, Mary-Kate Bostick, Amber Govey pose for picture as chosen Presidential Ambassadors.

Students from all class ranks and majors have been acting as the face of Marshall University this year.

Interim President Gary White initiated Presidential Ambassadors last spring semester in response to a question about student participation for the university outside of campus. Ginny Painter, Senior Vice President for Communications and Marketing, said that question needed an answer.

“We didn’t have any students at events,” Painter said. “How could we get students involved?”

Ambassadors for the university are present at high profile events and are listed as university contacts for the media, public leaders and the general public.

White said students act as the face of the university and hopes people understand the appreciation the university has for students.

“Since I have been here we have made a special effort to try to highlight the best and brightest of Marshall University,” White said. “It’s a natural extension of that, students who represent the best and the brightest.”

Ambassadors have been in press boxes at every home football game as well as present at events like the president’s open house and the quoits tournament in Sept.

Ambassadors have been able to represent the University as well as network with the student body. Junior communications disorders major, Amber Govey, said even though it is the programs first year it is already benefitting the University.

“It’s a great program to be affiliated with,” Govey said. “I get to network with fellow students and be a representative of the University, I’m proud of that.”

The ambassadors are chosen through an open application process and serve a 1-year term. Applications for next years 2016 and 2017 presidential ambassadors will begin in the spring.

“It [the program] is a result of constantly trying to improve the image of Marshall University, trying to improve the student experience at Marshall, and trying to improve the publics image of what goes on here,” said White. “We have a lot to be very proud of.”

Ashley Sodosky can be contacted at [email protected]