Humans of Huntington
More stories from Emily Rice
What was the happiest moment of your life? When I got to go to Costa Rica and help feed homeless people. We fed people who wouldn’t have gotten food and hadn’t for about three days, and just the joy on their faces when we gave them the food was incredible. They didn’t understand how people who didn’t even know them could feed them.
What was the happiest moment of your life?
When I got to go to Costa Rica and help feed homeless people. We fed people who wouldn’t have gotten food and hadn’t for about three days, and just the joy on their faces when we gave them the food was incredible. They didn’t understand how people who didn’t even know them could feed them.
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David • Oct 1, 2015 at 7:02 pm
I feed the homeless as well. By doing so I am blessed. I believe that the poor shall always be among us as we are the salt of the earth. This is not everybody’s calling but for those of us who get the call. We serve. Please visit and donate