Get Quizzed: Trivia night to benefit River Valley TIPS
More stories from Mikaela Keener
Marshall University student public relations group Knightlight Communications will have its fifth annual Questions Trivia Night 6 p.m. Saturday at Foundation Hall.
Katy Lewis, director of Knightlight Communications, said all proceeds raised through the fundraiser will go to the River Valley Child Development Services TIPS (Tuition Investment Program Support).
“[TIPS] provides financial assistance to families that are pursuing either high education or something that makes it so they can’t work full time or any other opportunities that wouldn’t make them be able to pay for all the cost of child care,” Lewis said. “But they make too much money and they don’t qualify for state subsidies.”
Guests will be divided into teams of 10 people. Lewis said this gives people the opportunity to meet others while giving to a good cause.
There will be three rounds of eight, uncategorized questions.
The questions asked are in the form of multiple choices, true and false and fill in the blank. Each question is worth one point.
A final round, which is new to the event, is composed in a Jeopardy format.
Lewis said items are raffled off throughout the evening including gift certificates to area restaurants, assorted golf items and a stain glass art piece featuring the Marshall logo.
Knightlight Communications was formed through the public relations campaign class. The group has worked with RVCDS for the last five years.
Lewis said RVCDS provides a learning environment for children.
“River Valley is so much more than just a day care,” Lewis said. “They have so many programs that you wouldn’t see from any other facilities. It’s a high quality care. They have a toddler program, after school programs and it’s just not the kind of thing you will find if you took your kid to any other pre-school or any other day care.”
Tickets are $40 and can be bought at the event. Dinner, a drink and a raffle ticket are included with the ticket price. The bar will open 6 p.m. and dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m.
Mikaela Keener can be contacted at
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