Popcorn on the Plaza helps students understand online courses
More stories from Sofie Wachtmeister
Alex Burgazzoli, graduate student in sociology, Crystal Stewart, program manager, information technology, and Alyssa Simon, student assistant, offer popcorn for students interested in finding out more about summer online classes offered through Marshall University.
MUOnline sponsored its second annual Popcorn on the Plaza event Monday on the Memorial Student Center Plaza.
Staff members were available to answer questions about taking online courses and to inform students about the course schedule for summer sessions and the fall 2015 semester.
Crystal Stewart, program manager for MUOnline and Information Technology, said there are a lot of positives when taking online courses.
“It gives students flexibility in their scheduling,” Steward said. “[The classes are] convenient, and students can take them anytime and anywhere.”
Alyssa Simon, a Marshall University student who works as a student assistant in the Information Technology office, said it’s vital for students to understand the course options.
“I think it’s important for students to realize what’s available to them,” Simon said. “Online classes give them the opportunity to work and free up their schedules during the day, while still being an active student. If you’re not from around Huntington you still have the opportunity to go home while participating in class, and you’re still given the opportunity to be actively involved with your professors and classmates even though you don’t have live meetings. Online classes are what you make them, but in every sense they’re very convenient.”
The three-hour event featured music, giveaways, popcorn and online class information.
Sofie Wachtmeister can be contacted at [email protected].
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