Kids’ Night Out opens Rec Center to children

Children enjoy an evening of activities Oct. 10, 2014, during Kid’s Night Out at the Rec Center.

Kids’ Night Out will give parents a night off from 5-9 p.m. Friday at the Rec Center.
Kids can swim, play dodge ball and climb the rock wall.
They  will also watch a movie while they eat pizza.
Kids’ Night Out is open to Rec members and non-members.
The price for members is $15 for the first child and $10 for each additional child. The non-member price is $20 for the first child and $15 for each additional child.
Kids must be 4 years old and potty trained.
“(It) gives parents a break one Friday per month to go out while their kids are staying busy at the Rec,” said Michele Muth, assistant director of Marketing and Memberships. “(It) promotes a healthy lifestyle at a young age.”
Kids’ Night Out generally takes place on the first Friday of each month.
Sara Ryan can be contacted at [email protected].