Dallas Small Business “Bombs” 50 States, West Virginia 49th
Tiffanie Nichole (right) takes photo with client (left) at a small business event. | Tiffanie Nichole
Tiffanie Nichole, owner of Bombed by Tiff, sold products to all 50 states in America in one year.
“We did it! Lord thank you!” Nichole said on an Instagram post. “Thank you all for your continued support, constantly sharing my page and the many referrals. I would not be where I am without you [clients], and I am grateful to be supported by strangers that have turned into my social media family.”
Bombed by Tiff was created as a safe source, for people of all ages, that have skin conditions or just want handmade products with natural Ingredients. This idea started when Nichole’s mild case of eczema started to flare-up after she used a bath bomb from a well-known company. She said she immediately looked at the ingredients and knew something was wrong.
“I don’t usually have baths, but that one time that I did, I had such a bad reaction,” Nichole said. “I looked at the ingredient list and thought, I don’t think that is safe at all.”
After looking at that product, she did more research on the topic and said she knew she had to do something about the ingredients that people were using.
Nichole’s small business journey started before she had any intention of making or selling products—with the help of not knowing how social media works.

Social media accounts for Bombed by Tiff were created in August 2019, but Nichole paused her small business plans when her grandmother became ill. Nichole lost hope after her grandmother’s passing, but Nichole’s boyfriend inspired her to continue with Bombed by Tiff for her grandmother and to follow her dreams.
Nichole decided to start working on her small business again in Spring 2020.
Although the accounts did not have posts and had limited identification, Nichole was receiving followers—from mutual friends and strangers—since 2019.
Confused, Nichole directly messaged people how they found her. To her surprise, followers found her on Instagram’s recommended page. She was already receiving a digital presence without any posts or a website.
“I had to ask them where they were coming from,” Nichole laughed. “I was like, well it was not supposed to be a secret, but I didn’t want y’all to know yet.”
Nichole started the small-business’ career with Mother’s Day baskets, mostly shipped. She realized seven of her first 13 orders were from different states. This inspired a personal challenge, one she kept to herself until she reached the 11th state in July 2020. 11 months later, she filled in the entire US map with her favorite color—tiffany blue.
Just like her experience with the recommendation page, Nichole learned new social media tips throughout her journey, including the use of hashtags and locations to get customers from all over the United States. She now has 10 thousand followers on Instagram.
West Virginia was Nichole’s 49th state and she thinks it could be because she has not visited and does not know anyone in the state.
“I don’t know who the person was who purchased, but I would love to have more clients from West Virginia. I have stuff for everyone—products for kids, women, and men,” Nichole said. “I just want people all over to have access to products that are good and safe.”
In addition to fulfilling Bombed by Tiff orders, Nichole works a full-time job at a pharmacy and a part-time job in retail. She spends her free time watching her 15-year-old son play soccer or baseball. While she stays busy, Nichole has no plans to slow down and has new aspirations of seeing her products on Target shelves.
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