Dating Disphora: Valentine’s Day during the pandemic

Students across the Marshall campus question how to celebrate this Valentine’s Day safely, share feelings of loneliness and provide advice on how to possibly meet someone new during the pandemic.

“I feel like with COVID, it’s kind of different. Especially for people who are not in a relationship, trying to find that con- nection might leave people feeling depressed or lonely on Valentine’s Day,” Landon Mitchell, senior Video Production major said.

Mitchell said there are many ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day with a partner while staying safe such as eating a pizza at home and doing a mutually enjoyable activity.

“Try to salvage those human moments.” said Mitchell.

Mitchell said the lonely feelings arising from feeling isolated due to the pandemic can be used to take part in acts of self-care and self-love.

“Keep yourself busy and do some self-care.” Mitchell said. “This can be an excuse to just lay down in bed, watch a movie or listen to music.

Along with cabin fever from being home for extended periods of time during the pandemic, many students claim to yearn for a way to connect with their peers and family while at school.

“I think a good way to connect with people and not feel alone would be to do zoom calls with your friends and family as well as getting carryout meals so that you can feel like you went out but still be socially distanced and safe.” said Miss Marshall, Kristen Shomo.

“I just think it is important to remember to make the most out of our opportunities, and even though we can’t spend [the holiday] together, we should enjoy it.” said Ariana Swayne, a senior Biology major.

While isolation may be the circumstances many are faced with, Swayne says that this holiday can still be enjoyable.

Swayne suggests that those looking to meet someone new or potentially begin dating to do so virtually in order to stop the spread of coronavirus.

With the growing popularity of online dating websites and apps such as Tinder and Bumble, it is easier to meet others without coming into contact with them in person.

Mitchell said he met his current partner while socially distancing amidst the pandemic, and don’t give up hope looking for that special someone.

“Make sure you know this person is actually who they say they are before meeting them,” said Mitchell.

Mitchell said that while online dating apps and websites can be helpful for some people, he recommends “taking safer measures when meeting in person.”

While there are still many ways to celebrate Valentine’s Day safely with a partner, singles also have a wide array of unique activities to spend the holiday.

Semoni Weaver, a freshman journalism student, says the best way to cope with loneliness on Valentine’s day is to embrace alone time and to do fun things.

She plans to spend her Valentine’s day working on herself by going to the gym and spending time with her friends.