Voting data from Secretary of State Mac Warner

On Election Day in West Virginia, Secretary of State Mac Warner issued a weekly update on statewide voter participation as well as reminders for voters planning to cast their ballots. 


Data as of the close of business Nov. 2, 2020:

Statewide absentee ballots requested: 153,509

Statewide absentee ballots cast: 141,233

Statewide early voting total: 253,243

Registered voters: 1,268,460

Data for Cabell County:

Requested by voter: 9,026

Returned to the vounty vlerk: 8256

Data for Senate District 5 (encompassing Cabell County, parts of Wayne):

Requested by voter: 10,533

Returned to the county clerk: 9,641

Data for House District 16:

Requested by voter: 4,328

Returned to the county clerk: 3,929

Data for House District 17:

Requested by voter: 3,878

Returned to the county clerk: 3,572