Marshall Women’s and Gender Center encourages leadership on campus

Marshall University’s Women’s and Gender Center encourages students to sharpen their leadership skills with support services and educational programs. 

“We work with students to get them involved planning projects, initiatives and programming,” Claire Snyder, program coordinator of the Women’s and Gender Center, said.  

Snyder said the Women’s and Gender Center helps students improve the university by providing educational materials or even organizing an event to raise awareness about an issue. 

“Students are not only learning about the issues they care about, but also building networking skills, event planning and organizational skills,” Snyder said. 

Snyder said students work within the office doing capstone projects and completing internships. 

“Last January, we held an event called ElectHer which is a nationally recognized program aimed at teaching women how to run for student government as well as elected office,” Snyder said. 

The Women’s and Gender Center recently celebrated the 100th anniversary of the ratification of women’s suffrage. Snyder said the Women’s and Gender Center makes sure to introduce students to historical leaders to inspire a greater appreciation for such achievements and remind them that they have the potential to make change in the world around them as well.  

Jonathan Still can be contacted at [email protected]. Isabella Robinson can be contacted at [email protected].