Students paint diversity bison, celebrate Unity Month
Marshall University’s Campus Activities Board hosted its last Paint and Sip event of the semester Wednesday night.
This Paint and Sip celebrated Unity Month, and students were able to paint the diversity bison.
CAB member Olivia Gilligan said preplanning goes into making sure each Paint and Sip is successful.
“All of our event series are mapped out during summer break,” Gilligan said. “We work with several on- and off-campus partners, and we seek student input through social media polls and surveys.”
Briana Murphy, CAB’s public relations chair, said it is rewarding how successful the Paint and Sip is on campus and it makes her so proud to be a part of an organization like CAB.
“The event is so successful that we, unfortunately, sometimes have to turn students away, which we absolutely hate doing, because we can only take a limited number,” Murphy said.
Gilligan said she thinks it is good for students to have a mental break through the event.
“Painting can really help relieve the stress of school,” Gilligan said. “It also helps students get out of their rooms and socialize with new people.”
The event is a great way to get students involved with events on campus and to give them a break from the daily stresses of college, Murphy said.
“Students seem to really enjoy coming to gather with friends and letting their creative juices flow,” Murphy said.
The next event CAB will host is the Clothesline Project, which will be April 16 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the John Spotts Room of the Memorial Student Center.
Savanah Matney can be contacted at [email protected].

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