Davis, Parker actions are a step back for equality
Maddy Parker (Left) Madison Davis (Right)
“Hey!!! So not only are you attractive, but I see you go to MU too. I’m running for MU Student Body VP rn and I’d love it if you’d go vote for me.”
This was sent to many male students on dating apps like Tinder and Bumble from the Davis, Parker campaign on Tuesday, urging them to vote.
The Davis, Parker campaign is the only campaign with two women candidates and they used this to differentiate themselves from the other candidates. Honestly, I was sold on their campaign. The idea of two qualified females running student body president/vice president and making Marshall history made me happy.
But think about this: what if a male candidate sent this to female students across campus?
If a male student would have sent this same message to females across campus, the females would go into the frenzy – I would have gone into a frenzy. Many would be demanding an apology from the male candidate and then many would find this still to not be appropriate.
Regardless of what many think, feminism calls for the political, economic and social equality among all individuals. To reach equality, we all must fight for it on both sides. We must call out these injustices whether they happen to men or women.
Using dating apps to bait in votes is wrong. Although it is not stated in the guidelines, it is wrong. Emailing the student body is one thing, but using one’s sexuality to get votes is disgusting. It is an injustice to the male students.
Students on campus are well aware that the election is going on through social media and the tables set up on every corner of campus. They do not need to be bombarded on dating apps.
The Student Government Association is important. The president and vice president are meant to lead the student body with a level of transparency. The student body should hold them to it.
Sadie Helmick can be contacted at [email protected].
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