Woodson Lyceum announces Black History Month speakers, events
November 2, 2017

Carter G. Woodson scholar and journalism professor Burnis Morris presents his new book, “Carter G. Woodson: History, The Black Press, and Public Relations.” During the Dr. Carter G. Woodson Lyceum event, Morris announced the upcoming speakers and events the Lyceum will offer during Black History Month.
Carter G. Woodson scholar and journalism professor Burnis Morris revealed upcoming events and speakers for Black History Month 2018 and read from his new book Thursday during a Woodson Lyceum event. Among the speakers will be Carla Hayden, current librarian of Congress and the first African American and female to hold the position.
“She is an African American woman, the first African American or woman to serve in that position,” Morris said of Hayden. “We’ve only had 14 librarians of congress in the history of the country. I point this out because in 1928, Woodson corresponded with the Library of Congress during that period.”
Several other notable speakers will be featured, including Reginald Chapple, division chief of the National Park Service; the Rev. Matthew Watts of HOPE Community Development Corporation; Rob Rabe, Marshall University journalism professor; Tijah Bumgarner and Daniel Dean, journalism professor and professor of graphic design, respectively; Eric Lassiter, professor of humanities and anthropology and director of the Graduate Humanities Program; Craig Woodson, ethnomusicologist and relative of Woodson; and Thom Walker, associate professor of Marshall University libraries.
Specific dates for the speakers will be provided during a kick-off event in January.
Morris read from his book “Carter G. Woodson: History, the Black Press, and Public Relations” and described several aspects of Carter G. Woodson’s personality, as well as his personal heroes, his work and obstacles that he faced along his path to becoming the “Father of Black History.”
Woodson, at one time a Huntington resident, has roots in West Virginia, having worked as a coal miner in the state. The educator graduated from Douglass High School in 1896 and served as the school’s principal from 1900 to 1903. Woodson went on to receive a Ph.D. in history from Harvard, the second African American to do so.
“He said that a turning point in his career was him time spent in West Virginia,” Morris said.
Morris also announced the extension of the 2018 Black History Poster Competition to students involved in art classes at all 25 Cabell County schools. The competition, which was held for the first time in 2017, was previously open solely to Marshall students. Students from each level will receive $100, and the winner from Marshall will have their poster featured for the month’s events.
At the Lyceum event, journalism professor and Parthenon adviser Sandy York revealed the new Woodson website, visible on Marshall’s domain at marshall.edu/carterwoodson. The website features local black history, such as documents detailing the integration of black students into Marshall University, as well as integration efforts in high schools throughout the state. The website presents an interactive aspect of black history for students and educators to make use for projects or in the classroom.
Jesten Richardson can be contacted at [email protected].