Comedian Tomlinson entertains the Herd
More stories from Son Nguyen
Taylor Tomlinson delivers her comic performance in Marco’s room at the Memorial Student Center, February 11, 2016.
Comedian Taylor Tomlinson performed in front of about 60 Marshall students and faculties on Thursday.
Tomlinson’s show took place in the university’s Memorial Student Center from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. and was free to all Marshall students with valid student IDs.
Tomlinson said she started doing standup comedy since she was 16 years old. The female comedian also describes her comedy style as “sarcastic” and “self-decapitating.”
Tomlinson has appeared on NBC’s reality show, “Last Comic Standing” as one of the finalists in season nine. She is currently co-hosting “Laughs, ”a TV show about standup comedy on Fox. Tomlinson will be set to appear on Comedy Central’s TV series “Adam DeVine’s House Party.”
The female comedian said she remembered driven through West Virginia before but this might be the second time she actually stopped by the city of Huntington.
“So far, my impression is the airport is very small, and the bed in the Holiday Inn is very comfortable, cause that is all I have done,” Tomlinson said
During the show, Tomlinson talked and joked about several different topics, from looking for an apartment on Craigslist, eating dinner with her roommate to generation gap in dating.
Sophomore music education major Jonathan Young said he was very impressed at Tomlinson’s delivery.
“Personally I thought she has a very smooth delivery and great set up, great knock down jokes,” Young said.
Tomlinson’s performance was concluded the “Women of Comedy” series. The series was hosted by Marshall Univeristy’s Campus Activities Board, featuring three female comedians with unique comedy style.
Son Nguyen can be contacted at [email protected].
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