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Marshall University's Student Newspaper

The Parthenon

Marshall University's Student Newspaper

The Parthenon

Marshall University's Student Newspaper

The Parthenon


The Parthenon, Marshall University’s student newspaper, is published in print by students on Wednesdays, with content added online daily during the regular semester and weekly during the summer. The editorial staff is responsible for all news and editorial content. 


109 Communications Building, Marshall University

One John Marshall Drive

Huntington, WV 25755

[email protected]


Sarah Davis – Executive Editor | [email protected]

Baylee Parsons – Managing Editor | [email protected]

Kaitlyn Fleming – News Editor | [email protected]

Nate Harrah – Sports Editor | [email protected]

Caden Adkins – Opinions & Culture Editor | [email protected]

Scott Price – Chief Copy Editor | [email protected]

Ella Bumgardner – Digital Media Manager | [email protected]

Wade Sullivan – Photo Editor | [email protected]

Sandy York – Faculty Adviser | [email protected]


AI Policy

***The Parthenon does not condone the use of artificial intelligence in any way regarding news writing or story development. 

  • Staff members and student reporters are prohibited from using AI programs such as ChatGPT to write stories, edit stories, conduct research for stories and/or to generate strategies (such as story ideas or social media plans) for the organization.
  • The Parthenon will not use AI-generated images or graphics in their print editions, social media pages or website unless they are necessary for the story; if these images/graphics are needed for the story, staff members must clarify that they are AI-generated in the caption. 
  • If a submitted photo or story is suspected to be AI-generated, copy editors should consult multiple online AI checkers, as well as the executive editor, managing editor and advisers, to determine whether or not the content contains AI-generated information. 
  • Failure to adhere to this policy can result in termination of employment.

The Parthenon highly values human-generated work and, therefore, expects its staff members to put forth the effort necessary to produce a physical paper weekly and publish online stories frequently. Staff members should use this as an opportunity to learn all facets of a news publication firsthand.


Everything within a quotation should be the direct words of the person who said them. If a quote uses improper grammar, it should be paraphrased and not “cleaned up.” The writer should, of course, omit extraneous syllables like “um” and may judiciously delete false starts. In every case, the writer and editor must both be satisfied that the intent of the subject has been preserved.


The Parthenon should be quick to make factual corrections when necessary, and when reported should be investigated and corrected immediately when deemed necessary by both a reporter and editor. Corrections will be published both online and in print. 

Conflicts of Interest

All staff members must be vigilant in avoiding the appearance of a conflict of interest. Any potential for an apparent conflict of interests must discuss the situation with the executive editor and faculty adviser. In some cases, disclosure is enough, but if the problem is considered serious the staff member may have to withdraw from certain areas of coverage. Employees of The Parthenon are entitled to their personal opinion on national and campus issues; however, it is highly discouraged to publicly campaign or promote these issues – on social media or in dealings with those outside of close friends and family. Doing so can damage the impartiality of The Parthenon and may require reassignment to a different beat or recusal from coverage of certain issues. Confidential sources should be avoided and are only permitted by the executive editor and faculty adviser.

Fairness and Impartiality

All writers for The Parthenon should present facts with impartiality and neutrality, presenting other viewpoints and sides to a story when they exist.

Confidentiality of Non-Public Information

Staff members of The Parthenon may have knowledge of information not yet public. Disclosure of this information is not permitted among non-staff members. Any ongoing investigations are confidential and publishing or sharing this information is not permitted.


Staff members should not accept gifts from any organization as a general rule. Staff members may accept any gifts or discounts available to the general public.

Using Press Pass

Press passes and other Parthenon-related identification should only be used for official business purposes. Staff should not use their association with The Parthenon for any status, offerings or special treatment they would receive otherwise.

Letters to the Editor

The Parthenon welcomes letters to the editor. We ask that all letters follow these guidelines, and all authors understand the publication process.

  • Please keep letters to 300 words
  • Letters will be reviewed by editorial staff. If letters are published, they will be online only. No letter is guaranteed publication.
  • Authors must provide email and contact information
  • The Parthenon reserves the right to edit letters for length, factual errors and/or libelous statements

Letters should be directed to the executive editor.

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