Countdown to commencement offers graduation preparation shortcuts
More stories from Amanda Gibson
Sara Price, a senior studying medical imaging, is fitted for graduation at Countdown to Commencement in the Memorial Student Center, March 15, 2016.
Countdown to Commencement gave seniors the opportunity to prepare for graduation Tuesday in the Don Morris Room in the Memorial Student Center.
Countdown to Commencement is an event for graduating seniors where seniors may buy merchandise such as their cap and gown and graduation announcements, as well as visit multiple Marshall University offices before their commencement ceremony in May.
Some of the university offices at the event included the registrar’s office, the financial aid office, Career Services, and the bursar’s office. The Marshall University Bookstore was at the event as well, along with Jostens, GradImages and Framing Success.
Senior Sarah Damron, who is earning a Regents degree with an emphasis in early childhood education, said she thought Countdown to Commencement would be beneficial and she came to the event to get information about graduation.
Senior Heath Brown and sports management and marketing major said he attended the Countdown to Commencement event to make sure everything is in line for his graduation, like his course requirements and financial aid.
“I just want to make sure that I’m good to go,” Brown said. “I put a lot of work in to get to graduation, so I want to make sure everything is in line.”
Coordinator of Student Activities Lee Tabor said Countdown to Commencement is beneficial for students because it gives them the ability to touch base with university offices and other entities.
Tabor said the event gives students a centralized location where they can get everything for graduation taken care of in about an hour.
He said along with getting their cap and gown and grabbing some refreshments, the event also allows students to enjoy the last few memories of Marshall University before graduating.
Marshall University Registrar Roberta Ferguson said they try to make Countdown to Commencement festive and enjoyable for the students.
Tabor said he expects between 500 to 700 students will attend the event this semester.
“We like for every year to be bigger and better,” Ferguson said.
Ferguson said she hopes as many graduates as possible take advantage of the Countdown to Commencement event and she said they always hear positive feedback from those who participate.
“I just encourage students to stop in, take the time if they are graduating to visit Countdown to Commencement, and be fully prepared for graduation and going out into the real world in the next couple weeks,” Tabor said.
Countdown to Commencement will also be held from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday in the Don Morris Room in the Memorial Student Center.
Amanda Gibson can be contacted at [email protected].
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