Visiting Writers Series continues this week

Marshall University welcomes a fiction writer to campus 8 p.m. Tuesday in room BE4 of the Memorial Student Center, as part of this year’s A.E. Stringer Visiting Writers Series.

Fiction writer Tom Noyes will read from his newest book, “Come by Here: A Novella and Stories.”

Series organizer and assistant professor of English and creative writing Carrie Oeding said the series is held each year to bring national writers to campus for students to meet and interact with.

Oeding said each visiting writer visits a class that has studied their work, which gives students the opportunity to connect with award winning authors and highlights opportunities available for creative writing students at Marshall.

“Students should have the opportunity to meet with nationally known writers to hear how they have established a writing career, to encounter contemporary issues and discussions held in the field and to bring a slice of that field to Marshall, hopefully making the work of being a writer more real to students,” Oeding said.

Oeding said this in-person discussion with successful writers is one of the experiences the creative writing major has to offer, but students of all disciplines may meet writers at the Visiting Writers events.

Tuesday’s event is free and open to the public. A book signing will follow the reading.

The reading and book signing are sponsored by the Department of English and the College of Liberal Arts.

Rebecca Turnbull can be contacted at [email protected].