APO combines recruitment and service project

Alpha Phi Omega, Marshall University’s community service-based fraternity, is combining recruitment and a service project this week in the Memorial Student Center lobby.

“We’re doing recruitment and we’re doing a service project at the same time,” said chapter vice president, Chelsea Smith.

Smith and other members of APO will have a table from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Thursday and Friday where students can learn about the fraternity as well as write a card for children at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

The APO table has bubbles, informational flyers, colored pencils and cards to write for children at St. Jude and mints they nicknamed “encourage-mints.”

“We’re just looking for new brothers,” Smith said. Smith said they currently have about 20 members and are looking to pass down the torch.

The fraternity is hosting events for recruitment week including Video Game Night Thursday and Board Game Night Friday. Smith said these events were intended to be in the Harless Media Room, but the university sent an announcement that Harless Dining Hall will be closed Thursday and Friday. Students can contact Smith at [email protected] or stop by the information table at the student center to find out where the events will be relocated.

Smith said APO does service projects and social events throughout the school year. Smith said they do community service, visit animal shelters, play bingo with the elderly and do river and street cleanup.

“Yesterday we made burritos for the homeless,” Smith said. Smith said last year they put on a drag show to raise money for the Born This Way Foundation, using a fun social event to fundraise for a cause.

“We also take up donations,” Smith said.

Smith said the group is affiliated with Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts and many scouts join the fraternity once they get to college.

“We’re a totally clean and dry chapter,” Smith said. Smith said the social events they host are often activities like movie nights in the Harless Media room.

Students can search “Alpha Phi Omega Marshall University” on Facebook and like the group’s page, contact Chelsea Smith or visit the table this week for more information about the fraternity.

Lydia Waybright can be contacted at [email protected]