Party on the Patio brings Huntington community together
More stories from Britanie Morgan
Jeff Faucette leads the Oakwood Road Band as they play classic rock songs for Party on the Patio at Heritage Station.
The Show must go on. That was the motto for the Oakwood Road Band when Party on the Patio fell victim to rain on Friday.
Lead singer Jeff Faucette said he and the band showed up despite the rain because the event brings the community together.
“I love the community factor of it, especially you can see the kids running around even on a rainy night,” Faucette said. “Just being a part of the community is a great part of it.”
Sally Hicks was among the crowd at Heritage Station and she too came out to be with the community.
“I like to see the people in town get out and get together,” Hicks said.
The Oakwood Road Band played a variety of classic rock songs from the ‘60s, ‘70s and ‘80s.
Bob Brice came out to see his friends in the band and hear some of his favorite songs from the past.
“Its just great to get out with friends and family and have something to congregate around, especially when you know the people preforming,” Brice said.
Faucette said he believes that Party on the Patio allows families to spend time together and be thankful.
“Seeing all the families that are here together is my favorite part,” Faucette said. “We just have so much we need to be thankful for.”
Faucette also said that he enjoys being a part of the Park and Recreation Committee’s events in Huntington because they take time to plan events that take care of the community.
“We have to take care of our kids, take care of our families, and hopefully the rest will take care of itself.”
The atmosphere at Party on the Patio was filled with happy families enjoying the music, food and even the rain.
Britanie Morgan can be contacted at morgan230@marshall.
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