Second-graders interview students in MU Society of Black Scholars
More stories from Caitlin Fowlkes
Second graders from Peyton Elementary interview students in the MU Society of Black Scholars Friday. The children will use the information from the interviews to write a case study biography.
Peyton Elementary sent two second grade classes to Marshall University Friday to interview students from the MU Society of Black Scholars.
In February, the second graders were studying African-Americans as part of Black History Month.
The teachers of the two classes, Stephanie Cade and Melanie Grobe, said originally they wanted the students to be able to interview people and then write a case-study biography from the interviews.
Cade said the purpose of the trip was for the students to see a college campus and complete the case-study assignment.
“Our students at Peyton, a lot of times, they don’t get exposure to what college is like, that it’s something that they can work for and attain,” Cade said. “So, we’re hoping that not only are they successful with the work they do in their case study, but also that it plants a seed for them so that they know that they are capable of going to college.”
The Peyton students worked together to create five questions to ask the Marshall scholars.
The questions were “Where are you from?,” “Did anyone in your family go to college?,” “How did school help prepare you for college?,” “What was your proudest moment?” and “What was your biggest obstacle?”
Darius Booker, Society of Black Scholars member, said it was a great experience being interviewed.
“I was able to see these different kids who come from a different background than I did,” Booker said. “It was also great to be able to be someone to help them see that they too can come to college.”
The students participated in various activities while visiting Marshall’s campus.
The Peyton students toured the John Deaver Drinko Library, took a class photo and ate lunch before the interviews.
David Cartwright, integrated science and technology instructor, showed the second graders C.A.D. software, which is used for 3-D printing. The students were able to experiment with the software on a computer during the hour long workshop.
Andy Bott and Jake Appleby, freshmen on the Marshall golf team, instructed each student on the correct way to putt in the Cam Henderson Center.
Alexis Riddle, second grader, said she thoroughly enjoyed the field trip.
“I liked it because we got to play games with other people,” Alexis said. “I think I do want to go to college and I think I want to go here.”
Caitlin Fowlkes can be contacted at [email protected].
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